Science Outreach in the Metaverse


Roblox is an online game platform that allows users to interact, share experiences, and create their own virtual environments. Our goal is to use the Roblox platform as a “metaverse” environment to support outreach, education, and science communication.


  • Create a novel space for users to explore with familiar buildings such as the Atmospheric, Oceanic & Space Sciences Building, the Enzyme Research Institute, and the Wisconsin Energy Institute
  • Organize online experiences through the platform to support science outreach and other research initiatives
  • Model a 3D environment and simulate real-world phenomena to educate and inspire
  • Push the limitations of Roblox and explore new ways to utilize the platform


This project is in its early stages and is still a work in progress. If you would like to test out our current version, you may access the start-up materials and tutorials with the button below:


UW-Madison College of Letters & Science: Visit the AOS Building in This Video Game

Funding Partner:

Funded by Donor Generosity


2023 – Present


Roblox Studio

Core Team Members:

Tracey Holloway, Olivia Goins, Sage Fritz

The AOS Experience in ROBLOX

The EAP Experience in ROBLOX